យើងហ៊ានវាយចោរ ដោយសារចោរនោះជាចោរក្រ ចោរអត់ឃ្លាន និងចោរញៀនគ្រឿងញៀន ប៉ុន្ដែយើងក៏គួរតែហ៊ានចាប់ចោរធំ ចោរមាន ដែលកំពុងឈ្លានពាន នាំគ្រឿងញៀនមកបំពារបំពានបំផ្លាញសង្គមយើងផងដែរ។
Many become a criminal because of poverty, hunger and extreme disparity. On the other hand, many become a criminal out of having too much. The latter become a criminal by choice; and they are who create criminals out of disparity. We should first fight the Criminals by Choice.